“The day you convince yourself that you've mastered your craft or profession or even your relationships, is the day you cease to live. The thirst for knowledge and the mind's ravenous appetite for constant growth and ev…
“Professionalism is not about what work you do, it is about how well you do the work.” ~ Amit KalantriThis July, we are exploring the worker competencies associated with Professionalism, which involve demonstrating professional g…
Meet Sue Jorstad, eLearning Designer and Developer for the Minnesota Child Welfare Training Academy!Sue is passionate about developing training that enhances workers’ understanding of the families they work with, because with und…
The Minnesota Child Welfare Training Academy (MNCWTA) is interested in developing three additional Regional Learning Centers (RLC); our Northwest regional location is currently in development. To enhance access to training opport…
This June we examine the worker competencies involved with the Use of Supervision and Management. These competencies ask workers to recognize the importance of the supervisory role in achieving desired service and organizational …
Meet Tori Hensley, the new staff trainer for the Minnesota Child Welfare Training Academy!Tori is deeply passionate about serving individuals impacted by the child welfare system, specifically providing relatives and kin caregive…
This May we are exploring the worker competencies associated with Policy, which involves understanding policies that affect delivery of child welfare services and the missions, priorities and resource allocations that guide the d…
Guest author Stacey Steinbach, licensed Signs of Safety trainer, consultant, and Children’s Service Supervisor with the Yellow Medicine County Family Services, shares her experiences and understanding of the supervisor competency…
Jane has more than two decades of experience working with project leaders, staff members, participants, and communities in evaluating program designs, implementation, and impact as both an internal and external evaluator. She has…
In this article we are exploring the worker competencies associated with Advocacy, which involves recognizing individual or group needs, providing intervention on behalf of children and families, communicating to decision makers,…