Learn more about Kurt Hattenberger, the new Simulation Specialist for the Minnesota Child Welfare Training Academy.Kurt Hattenberger has enjoyed a diverse career as an educator, musician, and conductor. Originally trained as a mu…
The Minnesota Child Welfare Training Academy (MNCWTA) is excited to launch a new application to centralize registration, learning records, and course information for child welfare professionals throughout Minnesota. Called the Tr…
We would like to welcome Stacey Steinbach, the new Regional Training Supervisor for the Minnesota Child Welfare Training Academy.Stacey has over fifteen years of experience in Minnesota’s child welfare system working on the land …
The SSIS Training Team conducted a training assessment at the end of 2020 and results indicated that workers and mentors were interested in scaling up the SSIS Child Protection Worker training to a virtual platform as well as bre…
The Minnesota Child Welfare Training Academy (MNCWTA) is proud to share that our Curriculum Supervisor, Lolita Johnson, has been named President of the University of Minnesota Black Faculty & Staff Association. Lolita joined …
Minnesota Statutes, section 245A.175 requires that all child foster care license holders and caregivers in foster family and treatment foster care settings, as well as all staff providing care in foster residence settings, must c…
Training is available to fulfill the new human trafficking training requirement for child welfare staff.[this page was updated on 06-10-22 with current information]A new human trafficking training requirement for child welfare st…
We would like to welcome Nora Lee, the new Administrative and Operations Professional for the Minnesota Child Welfare Training Academy.Nora has over 30 years experience as an administrative assistant with the last 10 years at the…
Regional Learning Center (RLC) Information:The Minnesota Child Welfare Training Academy (MNCWTA) is interested in developing three additional Regional Learning Centers (RLC); our Northwest regional location is currently in develo…
“The day you convince yourself that you've mastered your craft or profession or even your relationships, is the day you cease to live. The thirst for knowledge and the mind's ravenous appetite for constant growth and ev…