February is Black History Month in the United States. Acknowledging, understanding, and celebrating Black history is especially important for the field of child welfare, which has historically caused great harm to Black children …
As part of the recently updated training for Mandated Reporters in Minnesota, a module for Youth Program staff is now available. This no-cost, self-paced 15-minute training is designed for employees or supervisors of private or p…
The Department of Human Services (DHS) is seeking proposals from qualified responders to develop and support the delivery of a coaching curriculum and training for child welfare supervisors in both county and tribal child welfare…
Audience: This course is only available for Minnesota county agencies and tribes that carry cases in child welfare and/or child protection. You will need a Training Portal profile to access the course, and completion will be reco…
New Mandated Reporter Training for professionals identified by law who must make a report of suspected or known child maltreatment has been available since August 2022. As of late October, over 2,700 professionals in Minnesota ha…
2020 Minnesota child welfare statistics
Recently during new worker training, a learner asked “why do we have to talk about Race?” It’s a good question. Of all the knowledge and skills needed to do this difficult work, is Rac…
Learn more about Michelle Deziel, the new Curriculum Developer for the Minnesota Child Welfare Training Academy.Michelle Deziel is a Curriculum Developer for the MN Child Welfare Training Academy. She will be creating content in …
Learn more about Megan Brown, the new Curriculum Developer for the Minnesota Child Welfare Training Academy.Megan (she, her, hers) received her undergraduate degrees in Psychology and Anthropology from the University of Wyoming a…
Learn more about Nadia Mohamed, the new Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Specialist for the Minnesota Child Welfare Training Academy.Nadia is a Metropolitan State University graduate who earned her undergrad in HR management. Dur…
In a previous post, the Academy shared its evaluation framework, which describes the levels at which we will be collecting information to improve our curriculum and training delivery. In this post, we share our companion table to…