Claiming and SSIS

As workers complete Motivational Interviewing (MI) training and become certified, a checklist will be provided with next steps. If a worker will be working with prevention services candidates and claiming for MI, they must complete Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) Motivational Interviewing (MI) Claiming training prior to entering claims into SSIS. Supervisors and fiscal staff are also encouraged to complete this training to help support staff who will be claiming for MI with families.

Once the FFPSA MI Claiming training is completed an attestation form must be completed.

For more information related to SSIS and claiming, please contact

Prevention Service Job Aids

DCYF has partnered with SSIS to create job aids that help guide workers on how to generate a Title IV-E Prevention Services Claim in SSIS and determine prevention services eligibility.

Fidelity Monitoring

The Minnesota Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF), in collaboration with internal and external partners, are in the process of implementing fidelity monitoring for Motivational Interviewing (MI) statewide under the Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA). The FFPSA fidelity monitoring plan will measure if MI is reaching children and families, being implemented with fidelity, and achieving desired outcomes that aim to prevent children from entering foster care in Minnesota and keeping families together.

DCYF has created an engagement headquarters page (EHQ) that is designed to guide workers on how to conduct fidelity monitoring for MI. Here workers will find all the necessary information and resources to get started on the fidelity monitoring journey.

Fidelity monitoring can lead to better engagement between workers and families, enable documentation of intervention successes, and provide information for skills development.

Additional Guidance for:

For more information on Fidelity Monitoring, please contact