What is your job title, and what will you be doing?

LaurenHeadshot-Temporary, 300x300

  • Southwest Regional Trainer; I will be presenting trainings to the southwest region of Minnesota 

Tell us about your education and/or work experience prior to joining the MNCWTA.

  • I have a BSW from Metro State and about 5 years working in child protection ICWA for The Lower Sioux Indian Community and The Red Lake Nation doing ongoing case management, investigation, assessments with some foster care licensing and adult protection. 

What are you most passionate about professionally?

  • I am most passionate about making sure youth and families voices are being heard and seen, especially bridging the space between cultures - cultural competency is a big motivator for me along with strengths based practice. 

What are you most passionate about personally?

  • I am very passionate about my children being brought up knowing their culture and where they come from. It’s important for me that they feel proud of their identity. I am currently reclaiming who I am as a Latina and investing in old traditions and making them common practice within our household. My children and husband are also Dakota. We frequently participate in ceremonies, community events, and language. 

What do you like to do outside of work?

  • I love spending time with my family and getting outside as much as possible. I also love sweets and anything chocolate so I'm always baking and cooking.