Learn more about Rachel Johnson, our Multidisciplinary Coordinator at Minnesota Child Welfare Training Academy!

Rachel Johnson

What is your job title, and what will you be doing?

My title is Multidisciplinary Coordinator. I will be working on initiatives that support training efforts and increased collaboration amongst child welfare professionals and the external partners, agencies and stakeholders that intersect within the child welfare system. 

Tell us about your education and/or work experience prior to joining the MNCWTA.

I worked as a domestic and sexual violence advocate in rural Minnesota and later pivoted to the child welfare sector as a child abuse and maltreatment forensic interviewer. In that role, I also facilitated a child abuse multidisciplinary team and served as a professional trainer. Prior to coming to MNCWTA, I worked at a national organization where, in addition to conducting forensic interviews, I provided training and technical assistance to child abuse multidisciplinary professionals to promote the use of trauma-informed practices in the field. 

How long have you been working in your field?

I have worked in the broader victim/survivor advocacy and systemic response services sector for 15 years; first through offering peer support and later in a professionalized capacity.

What do you enjoy most about your work?

I enjoy working with diverse coalitions that are invested in supporting families and keeping children safe. I appreciate and value that it takes many different lenses, perspectives, approaches and sources of input to better our systems, individualize our processes and engage communities.

What are you most passionate about professionally?

The opportunity to listen, learn and enact shifts in our practice as child welfare professionals through centering the lived experience of the children and families. 

What are you most passionate about personally?

Supporting and spending time with the constellation of family, friends and pets I am lucky to have in my life!

What do you like to do outside of work?

Outside of work, I fabricate neon signs and work out of a tiny neon studio my friend created.

What else should we know about you?

I am very excited to be here at MNCWTA!