September 21st, 2021 SSIS Child Protection Basics Courses
2 min read
The SSIS Training Team conducted a training assessment at the end of 2020 and results indicated that workers and mentors were interested in scaling up the SSIS Child Protection Worker training to a virtual platform as well as breaking up the existing 8 hour training into shorter segments. Beginning September 28, additional SSIS Child Protection Basics courses will be available for enrollment in TrainLink. The SSIS Child Protection (CP) Basics courses focus on data entry requirements for caseworkers using a “life of a case” model and various activities pertaining to learning content.
These courses are designed for new staff or support staff that enter data into SSIS. This training is also available for new SSIS Mentors and for those seeking a refresher. These classes can be taken as a series, or individuals can pick and choose which course to take based on the work they do for their agency. Following is an overview of these three new courses. Each is a four-hour virtual training that replaces the current SSIS Child Protection Worker (CPW) course.
Following is an overview of these three new courses. Each is a four-hour virtual training that replaces the current SSIS Child Protection Worker (CPW) course.
- SSIS CP Basics–Intake and Screening (SSIS101A) course focuses on data entry requirements for caseworkers during the intake process.
- SSIS CP Basics–Assessment (SSIS101B) course focuses on data entry requirements for caseworkers during the assessment process.
- SSIS CP Basics–Case Management (SSIS101C) course focuses on data entry requirements for caseworkers during the ongoing case management process.
Please navigate to the SSIS Child Protection Worker Training website for information, class schedules, and registration. Resources and contact information can also be found on that site.