July 29th, 2022 National BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month
2 min read

Established in 2008 through legislation from the U.S. Congress, Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month (also known as BIPOC Mental Health Month) was created to highlight the unique challenges that Black, Indigenous, and People of Color face related to mental health in the United States. The month of July was named in honor of Bebe Moore Campbell, who was an author, journalist, teacher, and mental health advocate who was dedicated to shedding light on the health needs of the Black community. You can find a list of her extensive literary work and other resources here. We have compiled a list of resources that are relevant to the continuing awareness, education, and action regarding BIPOC mental health as it relates to child welfare. Click the links below to learn more!
"While everyone - all colors - everyone is affected by stigma - no one wants to say 'I'm not in control of my mind.' No one wants to say, 'The person I love is not in control of [their] mind.' But people of color really don't want to say it because we already feel stigmatized by virtue of skin color or eye shape or accent and we don't want any more reasons for anyone to say, 'You're not good enough.'" - Bebe Moore Campbell
Bringing attention to BIPOC mental health is an important piece of the puzzle as we work toward building an anti-racist and equitable society, especially in the context of child welfare. We know that BIPOC children are disproportionately represented in the child welfare system - a system which can be particularly harmful for their mental health. Child welfare professionals play a key role in supporting the mental health of children they interact with, so paying particular attention to the disparities that exist and working to address them in their work is key in better serving and supporting BIPOC children in the child welfare system. Through supporting these children while they are in the system, child welfare professionals can help to set them up with strategies and resources that enable strong mental health far beyond their childhood.
Resource List (updated 06/28/23)
- Bridging the Mental Health Gap for Black Children
- Supporting the Well-Being of American Indian Youth
- Latinx/Hispanic Communities
- Asian American/Pacific Islander Communities
- 55 Mental Health Resources for People of Color
- Racism & Mental Health
- NCWWI - Celebrating Minority Mental Health Awareness Month
- American Counseling Association Resources
- Blue Cross Blue Shield Reading List
- All NAMI Minnesota Support Groups
- Identity and Cultural Dimensions