January 13th, 2020 Artist Wanted!
2 min read
Earlier this week, the Minnesota Child Welfare Training Academy announced the location of its new central training facility in Roseville Minnesota. Roseville is welcoming the Academy by including us in their Roseville in Bloom event - a free public art event featuring twenty 7 ft tall roses. The event, similar to the successful events of Charles Schutlz' Peanut characters in St. Paul or the Cows on Parade in New York City, will feature the artwork of local and regional artists who transform the roses into works of art.
We are thrilled to be included in this event. The Child Welfare Training Academy will be given one of the rose statues to display on the grounds of the new Academy. Along with that honor is the opportunity to select the art that will transform our rose. We would like to invite friends and associates of the Minnesota Child Welfare Training Academy and the University of Minnesota's Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare to visit the Roseville in Bloom pageOpens in new window and click on the Artists Fact SheetOpens in new window to learn more about how you or someone you know can submit artwork for consideration. The sponsors/patrons of the 20 rose statues will select a design for their rose from all artwork submitted by JANUARY 31, 2020. The art will be seen by hundreds of people over the summer of 2020 and artists are provided with a $2,000 award if their renderings are selected. If you are particularly interested in designing for the Academy's rose, you might consider concepts reflecting our work with children, families, and communities. Using Academy colors and branding isn't necessary or even a particular advantage however if you are interested in drawing inspiration you can check out our website at MNCHILDWELFARE.com