Training is available to fulfill the new human trafficking training requirement for child welfare staff.

[this page was updated on 06-10-22 with current information]

A new human trafficking training requirement for child welfare staff is now in effect, requiring all persons with child protection duties to receive training on identification, assessment and comprehensive, coordinated service delivery in partnership with Minnesota’s Safe Harbor response.

According to the 2021 Minnesota legislative actions affecting delivery of child welfare services impacting children and families (see page 7 of this document), a new child protection sex trafficking and sexual exploitation training requirement was implemented. It states that all Minnesota county and tribal staff with child protection duties are required to complete training on sex trafficking and the sexual exploitation of youth.

The Minnesota Child Welfare Training Academy (MNCWTA) and DHS Child Safety and Permanency Division are working together with stakeholders to develop implementation plans for child welfare staff seeking to fulfill the requirement. The information below may help guide agencies as they plan for how staff may complete the training requirements.

Requirements have been met if staff:

  • Completed the Human Trafficking and Sexually Exploited Youth: Basic Training for Child Welfare (CWTA X205) course, offered since March 2022.
  • Completed Child Welfare Foundations Training (CWTA X100) offered since January 2020 and going forward.
  • Completed the Sexually Exploited Youth Overview (CWTA X203 - formerly 239A in TrainLink) and Sexually Exploited Youth Human Trafficking Child Welfare Response (CWTA X204 - formerly SEY: Child Welfare Response 239B in TrainLink), offered between December 2019 and March 2022.

Completion of other trainings on human trafficking, including community-based trainings or events, state or national webinars, or other DHS trainings will not satisfy the new training requirement. Visit for tools and guidance on the child welfare response to trafficking and exploitation in Minnesota. If you have questions or concerns, contact us any time at