Welcome to the Minnesota Child Welfare Training Academy!
Our mission is to train, develop, and support the skills, expertise, and well-being of Minnesota’s child welfare workforce while nurturing a commitment to equitable child welfare practice.
Annual Report
The July 2023-June 2024 Annual Report for the Minnesota Child Welfare Training Academy is now available. All annual reports can be found on the Reports page of our website.
Mandated Reporter Training Updates
Mandated Reporter Training is designed to help mandated reporters understand when to report, including education about signs of abuse, and how to think critically about the decision to report. Based on feedback from community partners and subject matter experts, the Training Academy has made several updates to Mandated Reporter Training. Learn more.
Active Efforts/MAAFPACWDA Training
As part of the Minnesota African American Family Preservation and Child Welfare Disproportionality Act (MAAFPCWDA), new training has been developed for Hennepin and Ramsey County child welfare professionals. The course is called Active Efforts Training: Family Preservation and the MAAFPCWDA Framework (CWTA X221). Community Trainers have been hired, and in-person trainings began in November. Learn more.
Overview of ICWA/MIFPA Course Options
When assigning ICWA/MIFPA courses to your workers or registering for yourself, make sure you select the correct option:
- ICWA/MIFPA Ongoing Worker Training (CWTA X212) - Open to any current workers, new workers from Cohort 127 and before who missed this requirement, current new workers who are not able to get into CWTA X219 prior to Foundations, and supervisors.
- ICWA/MIFPA Foundations for New Workers (CWTA X219) - ONLY for new child protection workers as a prerequisite to New Worker Foundations and assigned by a supervisor.
- ICWA/MIFPA Foundations for County Agency Supervisors (CWTA X216) - ONLY for agency supervisors.
- ICWA/MIFPA Foundations for County Administrators (CWTA X222) - ONLY for county administrators.
The curriculum is the same in all courses, but tailored to those attending. All courses are taught by the Tribal Training and Certification Partnership (TTCP).
New Worker Foundations
This September the Training Academy launched an updated Foundations Training for all incoming child protection workers. Following are resources to learn more:
- New Worker Foundations August 2024 Update
- Recording of and slides from recent supervisors meetings
Supervisors and Tribal Leaders can now assign the new Foundations course, as well as other New Worker Trainings, in the Training Portal (updated supervisor checklist here).
Foundations Video Update
Following is our first monthly video update for the launch of New Worker Foundations. More videos are coming throughout the summer.
Training Portal Basics Sessions
Staff from the Training Academy are hosting monthly virtual meetings to demonstrate basic Training Portal skills and take questions to help users better understand how to use our learning management system. Dates and registration links are available on our website.
Minnesota Child Welfare Practice Framework
Child welfare work requires a sophisticated set of knowledge, skills, and attitudes in order to provide effective services to children and families. The Minnesota Child Welfare Practice Framework outlines the competencies required for quality practice among front-line child welfare professionals and their supervisors.

Give Us Your Feedback
If you have any feedback or questions about the Training Academy or our courses, contact us at info@mnchildwelfaretraining.com.
If you are having technical issues, please feel out the Help & Support form here.
Please add info@mnchildwelfaretraining.com to your email contact list.